A few people have wanted to see some before and after pictures of 'the big weight loss'. I lost 50 pounds from January 2o1o to June 2010. WHOO-HOO! Don't know how I accomplished it since I've been trying for about 10 years to lose the weight. But something went right this time or something clicked in my brain that allowed me to realize I didn't need to eat all the time and I didn't need sweets 24/7! Imagine!! Anyway, I don't have hardly any photos of me from before losing the weight. I am the mom, I am the one taking the pictures, no one took pictures of me, plus I didn't like what I saw when I did see photos of myself. My 'before' picture is from Sofia's baptism in Oct. 2009. I found it on my mom's computer when I was home last month. My 'after' pictures probably aren't the greatest since my kids took them and I'm sure the angle from shorty's taking the photos isn't as flattering, but what to do! So, here it is. I started in January weighing 217 pounds and by the middle of June was down to 167. I would still like to lose about 10 more, but it aint happening, so now I'm just trying to MAINTAIN. Which somedays seems hard because life is hard and I've learned that food makes me feel good and sometimes I feel like there isn't a whole lot of joy in my life. But I will STAY THE COURSE!!

This would be me in teacher mode...so excited to start a new year......or not....

at home with my lovely piano and stack of games in the background.

October 2009. Sofia's big day. We were divorced at this point. Kind of sad to deal with on such a special day...the awkwardness of both families together. His family was great and my family was great, it was just hard for me.
So now the hard part begins of keeping control, finding other 'joy' in my life besides food and keeping the course! Wish me luck... i need it!~